#21 VIN Tew, 2012

by Allison H.


by 張勃雲 (VIN Tew)


I like the grainy texture and the soft lighting, the mysterious vibe and the moodiness in this photo is working quite well, but to me the most intriguing thing is the ambiguity of the unidentified gender. At my first glance, I somehow relate the crown-like object and the veil and the white dress to a female figure. But when I look again, I notice that the person doesn’t have obvious boobs. The image is a little bit creepy but beautiful at the same time. However, after I knew that this is a self portrait, gender seriously doesn’t matter anymore.

Lighting Design Sketch


Technical Discussion

The lighting is very soft that I couldn’t find obvious shadows, I was thinking maybe he didn’t use any light but the window light? Or he turned the shadow and contrast down in post production stage. I think he used film to take this photo.